The WRITE Stuff... Oh, oh, oh, oh, OH! FREEBIE!

Ok - just to start this blog post off right - take a minute, kick, back and reminisce :)  

Yeah, I definitely just stopped and watched the entire thing... Aaaand maybe even danced and sang along.  NKOTB was my very first concert.  I even owned all of their 'barbie' dolls.  Ok - enough self embarrassment!  Let's talk about writing.  

In my district we use the 6 + 1 writing traits.  If you're not familiar with them, check out this fantastic resource by Ruth Culham.  She has many different resources for all different grade levels.

We spend about 2-3 weeks on each trait and then end those weeks with a full writing piece.  There are a lot of great resources out there for the traits, but coming up with 2-3 weeks of mini lessons on one traits can sometimes be difficult.  Earlier this year, I put together a week's worth of mini lessons for the trait of Organization for my grade level and shared them.  I've been meaning to share them all with you, but just haven't gotten around to it until now.  

There's really not a 'set' order to teach the traits, but there is definitely a good flow on when to teach them.  We teach:

Word Choice
Sentence Fluency
Conventions (which is really taught during all of the other traits)

As you can see, it was a while ago when I taught organization - but better late than never right!?  Below is a week's worth of mini lessons for the organization trait.  Each lesson is provided with a hook, a teacher model (I do), a practice portion (We do), and a independent practice (You do).  It also has listed the materials needed for the lesson.  

The overall objective of the week's lessons is to teach the students how to organize their writing by giving them small tips they can use when writing independently.  There are a lot of pages that are needed in order to use the lessons above.  Would you like those too?  Ok!

Just click on the above photo to download the week's lesson plans and any papers that you need to teach them!  

*Disclaimer*  This item is being hosted by Dropbox.  It is NOT to be sold in any way, shape, or form by others.  

Can you tell I <3 teaching writing.  All of that JUST for a week's worth of plans!  Whew!  You know what else makes writing a lot easier to teach?  Educents' new The WRITE Stuff bundle.  It's truly amazing!  This bundle has over 900 pages that will make your writing time really come to life!  Click on the photo below to check it out!  

Speaking of writing (see the theme here?) Want to know more about this little poster?  Click on it to find out more!  

And to thank you for reading all the way to the end of my post - the first 5 readers to comment below will receive my Pickin' Paragraphs activity for free!  Click on the photo to check it out.  (Make sure to leave your e-mail!)

Have a great week everyone!


  1. Thanks for the giveaway! I am super excited :)

  2. I need all the help teaching writing that I can get! Thanks for this post!

  3. I love teaching writing as well! I'd love to have your pick in' paragraphs activity! Thanks!

  4. Thanks so much! I am excited to use!

  5. So much loveliness in this post. Thank you!!

  6. I would love to use your paragraph activity! :)

  7. Thank you, thank you and thank you again for the incredible writing resource! I am so going to incorporate it into my writing lessons this week.

  8. I also love teaching writing and love your organization lessons! Thanks for sharing!

  9. These are great! I know I'm way too late for the freebie, but I advertised this bundle as well (I'm an Educents affiliate as well) and wondered if you knew about the site? It is a gold mine of writing resources, especially if you're using the traits!! Thanks for the mini-lessons!

    One more day until the weekend...enjoy!
    Mrs. Beattie's Classroom


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