Trick or FREEBIE!!

So I hope you've been completely enjoying our Trick or Freebie blog hop!  I'm super excited to be NEXT!  Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  I always completely decorate the classroom.  I have over 100 Fall/Halloween themed books that I get out and the kids LOVE them!  They get sad when October is over and I put them away.  :(  But don't worry - I have over 100 Thanksgiving books too!  Haha.  Can you say - ADDICTED!?  

Well, I can't post on here without talking about my little ones :)  We got to get them dressed up for Halloween early due to a fun little party we attended.  We found this idea from googling 'costumes for twins'.  My husband fell in love with it.  He rarely gets passionate about things so when he did about this I just couldn't say no!  Plus, he LOVES to create things..  So - here they are!

They went as Goose and Maverick from Top Gun.  I walked around with the theme song playing from my phone.  It was a hit!  The sun glasses didn't stay on for long but I was lucky enough to snap this photo.  They just crack me up!  I'm already thinking about next year - maybe a pirate ship!?  

So I'm typing this blog post on the eve of me returning to school from my two week Fall Break.  Bittersweet....  I'm excited to go back and see my other kiddos but very sad to take my own kids back to daycare :(  Do any of you have family who watch your little ones for you?  Both my mother and my husband's mother are younger (mid 40's) so they've got a while before they can take off work. But oh well...  Fall break did allow me to work and finish a lot of fun activities that I'm super excited to use.  Wanna see!?

Tomorrow (Monday) I'm being observed doing a 15 minute Fact and Opinion Lesson, so I came up with a fun little ppt lesson.  It's cute and easy and great for review!  I hope it goes well :)  Click on the pic to see more!

So we did this Common/Proper Noun mini unit the week before we left for school.  The kids had a lot of fun reviewing nouns with the candy corn twist!  Take a look!

There's a fun matching game, a coloring page, another work page and a quiz included in this little mini unit.  Click on the photo to check it out! :)

Ok, ok - what you REALLY came here for...  FREEBIE!  I'm using this activity this week and can't wait!  I'll take pics if I can remember :)  We're working with plural nouns.  I plan on making the cards per pairs of students.  For each card there will be a small little sticker on the back.  Students pinch what they think the correct answer is.  If they feel the sticker they know they're right!  If not... well, try again!  I hope you like it!  It can be used as a center, small group intervention, or any way you can think of!  Just click on the picture below.  It should take you to a dropbox direct download.  If something happens to the link, please let me know and I'll get it fixed!  

Don't forget to check back tomorrow on Class*y Collaboration for more tricks....I mean freebies!!  :)  Happy Early Halloween!  

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