Indiana Blogger Meet Up!

When I go back to school *cough IN TWO WEEKS cough* and all of my colleagues ask me what I did this summer - you betta believe I'm going to tell them all about the Indiana Blogger Meet Up that took place today!  I just spent 4 1/2 hours with some of the most amazing teachers/bloggers/TPT'ers/people I've ever met.  I learned a lot of of new, great things and met some great new friends.  Serious - can't wait to do it again!!  No joke!

So Heather (Teaching Through Turbulence) and I decided everyone coming needed a little something fun to take with them.  So I found this idea...on Pinterest of course!!  I made one for everyone and they loved them!!  If you want a copy of the printable you can download it here.  :)  

That's me (on the right) with Brenda (Primary Inspired) in the middle and Dorothy (Twenty-Something Teacher Tales) on the left.  Two FANTASTIC people that I'm blessed to know!

So Heather made these adorable name tags for everyone.  They had our blogger meet up logo on the left and then everyone's blog button icon with their name.  ADORABLE!

And here we all are!!

So we decided to do a "Dirty Teacher" gift exchange.  We brought either a ready made TPT  product of our own OR an amazing teaching product that we bought.  It was great!!  And we thought teachers are nice people.... HA!  Stealing left and right!  I guess that just meant we all had really good gifts!  

Here's what I ended up with!  These were brought by Brenda and are FANTASTIC!!  You can download the printable for them here!

So ya- we had a fantastic time!!  I can't wait until we meet up again!!  Hope your day was just as great! :)


  1. That looks like so much fun! I love the picture frames at the table AND the gift exchange. I wish I could have come! (that would have been hard all the way from Texas! LOL!)
    I'm glad you all had a great afternoon!

    Mrs. Thompson
    Adventures in Teaching (A First Grade Blog)

  2. Looks like y'all had a great time! Wish I could have been there, too. Texas is really just too far, though. :)

    Colleen Patton

  3. Ciera, thanks for the frames! Too cute! Also, so glad I ended up with your game! It was great meeting you!

    Mary Beth
    Run Teacher, Run

  4. Oh my goodness, I was just reading about all of the other teachers having Blogger meetups and was super jealous, wondering if there was an Indiana one. Looks like I just missed it!! I'm in Ft. Wayne. I'm now following you on Blog Lovin and I'm going to check out all of the Indiana teachers you have linked up! So excited!!!

    Allison Stuckey
    Facebook: Stuckey in Second


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