Classroom Pictures

So I'm finally done setting up my classroom.  I had to move again this year - no biggie!!  But that does give me another opportunity to change some things that I've been wanting to do in the room.  Hope you like!!

View from the door

Another view from the door

My personal Lakeshore store.  AKA:  Games, centers, etc.  

My center bulletin board.  We do centers a lot at our school so this is my way of keeping all of the groups organized.  The dots are velcro dots that the students' names will go on once they're grouped.  (That way I can easily change what group they are in too).  The circles are what color group they're in and the numbers next to the circles are for what center they go to.  May seem confusing - but I promise - I works!

Entryway table.  Turn in trays, exit ticket area, highlighters, etc.   
Book bag hook area.  On top is the lovely watercolor artwork my friend Chris made for me.  Like it?  Let me know and I'll send you his website where you can order one!

Sink area and closet

Front corner of the room.  Dictionaries, paper, objectives/standards board and Allen's bed.  

Supply center and my rocking chair

My desk

Small group table.  It's dry erase :)

Back bulletin boards

Computer area

In front of the computers.  The large grey cart is for our tablets and then of course the blue mailboxes.  

Reading Library

Author area.  

Book series area


Books organized by genre

Books on bottom are organized by genre

Another view

View of room

Another view

Math bulletin board.  Pocket chart is for vocabulary.  Colored pockets are for differentiated journal prompts and the hanging plastic covers are for the example journal pages I'll be making and hanging up for the students to reference.  

Each students have their own hanging file folder filled with papers for them to do when they're done.  Each folder will be individualized on standards the students need extra help with.  

This is my center organization area.  The centers that I'm using for the week are in the tubs that the students grab and take to the designated area when its time for centers.  They sell these on Really Good Stuff but my husband made me this one :)

View from the back

Hope you enjoyed the tour!!


  1. your room is HUGE!!!!
    Holy Lakeshore addcit! yowza.
    Love the reading area of course.

  2. WOW! I want to be in your class! How colorful and beautiful. I am lusting after your lakeshore stash. Did you buy all of that or did your school? YOWZERS!!

  3. AnonymousJuly 17, 2012

    Your room looks fantastic!! :)

  4. Your room is AWESOME!! I can tell that you are a very organized teacher. I love the way you organized your books. Thanks for sharing!!

  5. I think your room is the size of all the rooms in my hallway! I love it! I am in a brand new school (3 years old), clearly they didn't think of everything! I want to be in your room! I hope you have many blessed moments in that room this year, Enjoy!

  6. What a fabulous room! It looks huge!!! I wanted one of those center things from Really Good Stuff. I wanted my dad to make me one because my husband does not do any woodwork? Was it difficult to make? I am your newest follower!! Come check out my new blog!!


  7. Thanks for sharing Picts of your classroom. I am still working on my set up and will post some Picts when done. They are fixing carpet in my room right now so it's a mess! :( Wondering about your dry erase table. It looks just like mine. Does it have a special surface. I would worry about mine being stained. Do you use a special cleaner

  8. Wow, you're on top of it. Your classroom looks HUGE! How many students do you have? It looks very lovely.
    The Hive

  9. WOW! I just love your room!
    Thanks for sharing. If you get a chance hop over to my blog and check out the giveaway I am having.


  10. Your room looks amazing! I can tell you really put in a TON of work, especially since you had to change rooms. Love how large it is.



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