Fact & Opinion Center

I just have too much cute clip art to go to waste and with all of this ice and snow around I just got inspired. Hope you like it! :)


  1. Cute!! Can't wait to print :)
    Blogging has become my new hobby. It's hard to tell if it's enhancing my teaching or just making me more obsessed than I already am with my job! LOL

  2. Very cute! if only we had snow...haha jk, not trying to rub it in! ;)

  3. BTW my kinders LOVE this dynamite song! they sing it allll day

  4. Hi, just going back through my old starred items in Google Reader and printing, Pinteresting, or deleting them. I wanted to let you know I printed this last year and we used it last year and this year...Fact & Opinion was a skill in LA a few weeks ago. Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks, Nancy
    The Apple Basket Teacher

  5. Thanks for your cute resorce. Yes I can relate to how you feel about BLOGGING. But I am learning new ideas so I guess its a GOOD thing??????

  6. Thank you so much for the adorable fact and opinion activity!

  7. My name is Heather and I work for Worth Ave. Group. We’re currently holding a contest for K-12 teachers. Over $150,000 in grant money and prizes will be given away in the Technology in Education Grant. Get the teachers you know involved in this great giveaway by voting for them and you'll give them a chance to win an iPad 2, 30 iPod touches for their classroom and a $25,000 technology grant for their school. Voting has just begun and end will end March 31st. Visit www.voteforteachers.com today or call 1-855-834-7660 for more information.


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